Get Instant Access Today For This Unique Product Created and Designed Just For You
Why Grab This PLR Package Today?...

- Unique PLR product that has never been released before online. Be the first to snap it up.
- Sell it or re-brand it as your very own. Get all the creditability for the creation and knowledge of it.
- Fully done-for-you 5-page responsive minisite. With bonus opt-in page. Generate leads and then keep them.
- A hot topic niche that millions of people are looking for on a daily base.
Let Me Ask You a Simple But Vitally Important Question
Would You Like To Have Your Very Own Digital Product Without Having
To Create Them From Scratch and Profit 100% From Them?
If you were like me several years ago then you'll know how hard and frustrating it can be to try and create your very own product. Then to build an online business just to see little results or none at all.
This can be depressing and leave you unsure what's going on.
These days people demand top products, not the same old rehashed ones, making you have to step up your game in product creation and research.
For anyone who's starting out, this makes it even harder to succeed.
You most likely have tried to listen to all the so-called gurus just to find out it's not working.
Learning from the professionals can be a good start, but on the other hand, it's very daunting and can make you quit or procrastinate before you even get started.
Negative thinking can be such a downfall, not thinking positive can lead you astray from your main goals.
That's why getting your very own pre-made all ready-to-go niche product is the best thing that any beginner or even an expert can do.
It cuts out all the time and money spent on all the processes it takes to create a single product. If you've ever tried, then you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Well, Now You Can Leave All This Behind You...
As you can now get a slice of the pie without pulling your hair out and get a high-quality premium PLR package all done for you...
Some Reasons Why You'll Benefit With This
PLR Product...
- Resell this product as your very own keeping 100% of the profits. Ready-to-go means you don't have to do anything to it.
- Use it for your very own benefit. Learn from it and master this particular niche. Or teach others what you've learned.
- Give it away to your mailing list or attract new subscribers to join. A potentially great way to build your list and gain credibility.
- Add it to your sales funnel to boost conversions and profit 100% from it. Sale funnels are a great way to convert this product.
- Add it to web stores online such as Amazon (as a Kindle ebook), JvZoo, WarriorPlus, Tradebit, Payloadz, Clickbank and more. A great way to sell products on autopilot.
- Rebrand it, making it your very own. Comes with its very own minisite and sales material. All the hard work is done for you.
Using a Ready Done-For-You Product Is The
Smartest and Fastest Thing Anyone Can Do.
Once you have your very own product, all it takes is to simply start downloading the product, edit it to your liking's (this is not necessary, but you can make it unique by tweaking words and graphics etc), upload to own server and then simply sell it on autopilot.
This is basically all it takes when you have private label rights product.
Very Easy 5 Step Process To Start Making Money
From This Product
Step 1
Download. This is the first and easiest step. Simply download your PLR package to your computer.
Step 2
Make some tweaks and changes. This is optional, as you can sell the product just the way it is. But if you're wanting to brand it as your own, you can do just this.
Step 3
Upload the product to digital marketplaces or to your very own server. Either way is optional, but both are very effective and easy to do.
Step 4
Use the provided marketing materials to gain visitors if you're to add it to your own server. This will not be necessary if you add it to a marketplace such as Amazon as they bring the traffic to you.
Step 5
This is the best step. Start selling and rake in the money on autopilot, as selling digital products is easy to do, very low maintenance with no overheads.
Take note: If you don’t know how this is done, then do not fear as we give you a full video training course on how to set up this product with the above steps. Or upon checkout, we offer a service that we can do all this for you, and for a very small fee.
Here are some reasons why this PLR package is hot
and in demand...
PLR products are highly in-demand and are always hot niches. Since this package comes with Private Label Rights you'll be able to do anything you're wanting to it.
The digital product sector online is worth billions and is growing at such a high rate than every before, as more and more people are using digital devices.
People these days would rather download a product on portable devices as its so much easier. The best thing about this is that they'll get it instantly without having to shop at a store downtown or wait for delivery if purchased online.
More and more people are opting in to be self-employed and quit their day jobs, which I did this way back in 2007. I first started out selling ebooks on eBay making over $2000 USD each month, to begin with.
Then I started selling all over the internet on digital platforms that automatically sent out the products to the buyers instantly. And all I had to do was answer a few emails here and there, then basically watch the money come in on autopilot.
Selling digital products is becoming harder and harder to do these days. There are so many PLR products which the same seller is selling. That's why I started creating my very own products.
Since then I haven't looked back, and you to don't have to do this. As now you can get your own unique BRAND NEW PLR package like this one that you can sell as your very own, as we've done all the hard work for you!
Therefore, Introducing to you...
“Fulfillment By Amazon”
A Step-By-Step Guide In The Lessons On Learning, Selling, and Profiting From FBA
This Package Comes With Full Private Label Rights

This is a fully packed PLR product that contains everything you'll be needing to learn from it or to sell it. This product has been created and writing in English by professionals in this field and then edited by a team of professional proofreaders from the USA, UK, and Australia.
Not only you'll learn a lot from this package itself, but you
will also get...
a full course that focuses on a hot niche topic that's in demand that contains...
- Module 1: High-Quality Ebook - Written by English professionals, unique and not copied or rehashed.
- Module 2: Checklist - A full checklist outlining all the key topics within the main guide, so you can check off what you've learned.
- Module 3: Resource Cheat Sheet - A full resource cheat guide outlining all the best websites and tools. Very useful in saving you time.
- Module 4: Mindmap - A great way to give your buyers a visual overview about this training course and pinpointing the main focal points.
- Module 5: Ready-To-Go Sales Letter, Thank You Page & Legal Pages - A complete 5-page minisite that is fully responsive and all ready-to-go.
- Module 6: High Converting Promo Email Swipes - 5 already done for you promotional email swipes that are ready-to-go.
- Module 7: Fully Professional Source Graphic Files - Full source graphic files professionally designed. Easy to modify.
- Module 8: HQ Advertising Banners - Professionally designed web banners. Use as is or edit to your needs.
- Module 9: 10 HQ PLR Articles - 10 High-quality professional written PLR articles that will help you drive even more sales.
- Module 10: Promotional Sale Videos - Get a hypnotic sales videos to entice your visitors and boost conversions.
- Module 11: 10 Unique Top Quality eCovers - A set of 10 high-quality unique ecovers that can be re-branded
- Module 12: 10 Social Media Posters - A collection of 10 social media posts, great for social media marketing.
- Module 13: License Package - A set of four licenses for your customers and you (PLR, MRR, RR and PU).
- BONUSES: Within this package, you'll also get 4 bonuses that are of high value and will compliment your purchase.
Here’s What You’re Going To Get Within This PLR Package...
Module 1 - High-Quality Ebook
VALUE: $550.00

This ebook is a unique ready-to-go exclusive guide. Up-to-date on this topic and is completely innovative, informative and is one of the most useful training guides on the market today. You'll learn everything you're needing about this highly-demanded hot topic niche.
You don't have to worry about the quality of the content found within this guide as it's written by English writers based in the USA, UK, and Australia all with a degree. They were selected based on the knowledge and expertise on this subject.
What you'll find within this guide...
- Most up-to-date guide on this topic within this industry.
- 11,000+ word guide jammed packed with helpful tips and knowledge by professionals in this niche.
- The whole guide is formatted professionally and crafted to suit any reader.
- Unique and brand new full with private label rights that come in PDF, and DOCX formats.
- Beautiful chapters and sub-chapters with images. All these chapter images come in PSD format so you can edit them.
An Insiders Sneak Peek Into The High-Quality Example Of The Ebook Content...

Beautiful Chapters and Sub Chapters

Module 2 - Checklist
VALUE: $35.00

This is a great extra resource for your customers. This allows them to check off the points they've completed throughout the main guide. Also, allows your customers to quickly have an overview of all the important steps and training that has been provided within the guide.
This is basically a summary guide that will help your customers to master the guide more quickly and making it easier to understand the more important points. Easily can be printed for offline use, which makes is a great compliment to the main guide.
Module 3 - Resource Cheat Sheet
VALUE: $15.00

This Resource Guide will give your customers a complete list of all the best top tools and resources found online.
All the top best off...
- Websites and blogs.
- Training and tutorials.
- Forums and communities.
- Tools, apps, tips and how to's.
- and much more on this particular niche.
This is based on years of knowledge and know-how. Since this product also comes in DOC and ODT formats you can add your own tools and resources too.
Module 4 - Mind Map
VALUE: $55.00

This mind map is an extra great resource that outlines all the key points that your customers will be learning and is a quick refresher to the main guide.
This is a great bonus for your customers who are more of a visual learner and saves them a lot of time without having to read the full guide.
This mind map will make following the main guide much easier for your customers. Plus... you'll also get some extra formats not displayed below, such as JPG, PNG, and HTML.
Module 5 - Ready-To-Go Sales Letter, Thank You Page & Legal Pages
VALUE: $700.00

With this module you'll get a ready-to-go high quality converting minisite with a sales page, thank you page and all the legal pages. This high-converting sales page is valued at $700 and comes with complete graphics, all the sales pitch components and all the legal pages such as the terms, privacy, and disclaimer. You don't have to write anything.
All the hard work of writing and website creation has been for you. You don't have to do anything. All you have to do is simply add your order buttons or sales link and that's it!
- This is your very own minisite.
- You get to keep 100% of the profits that it makes for you.
- Simply add your order buttons and you're ready to go.
- Convert visitors into buyers.
- Comes in HTML and CSS formats.
- Have a look below at the minisite...

Module 6 – 5 High Converting Promo Email Swipes
VALUE: $100.00
These email swipes are perfect to place in your autoresponder when users opt-in to your mailing lists when they receive their free guide. These are great for visitors when they don't buy from you the first time. So you can still make sales days after when your visitors leave your sales page. These are great enticers to attract existing visitors and make more conversions.
These are very simple to use. All you have to do is simply copy and paste the already-done email swipes into your autoresponder, add your links to your sales page and you're done.

Module 7 – Fully Professional Source Graphic Files
VALUE: $200.00
Within this PLR package, you're going to get all the source graphics that have been used to create this product. Everything including PSD, PNG and JPG file formats. All these graphics can be used 'as is' or edited to your own needs to be made unique again and stand out from the rest.

Module 8 – Awesome High-Quality Advertising Banners
VALUE: $200.00
Banners are a great way to market this product through many different means. Such as CTP and PPC marketing or simply add them to your website or blog. These cut out the time, cost and hassles of you having to create them yourself or hiring someone to create them.
These have been designed by a professional graphics designer, like all the other graphics found within this package. These are aimed at helping you generator more traffic and converting leads into customers.
You'll get the following sizes all in PNG, JPG, and PSD...
- 120x600
- 336x280
- 200x200
- 468x60
- 250x250
- 728x90
- 300x250
- 970x90
- 300x600

You'll Also Get a Free Guide On Using Advertising Banners...
Having stunning banners is one thing but knowing the best ways to use them is another thing altogether. You may think just popping up a banner here and there is effective, but as you may already know, it's not that simple.
So I've created a quick guide on the top performing banner positions and some helpful resources to implement them when promoting and advertising using such methods as PPC, CPA or CPC.
You'll get this guide 100% free within this complete PLR package to help you use these banners the correct way.
Using Advertising Banners

Module 9 - 10 High-Quality PLR Articles
VALUE: $100.00

Hiring someone to write articles for you can be costly. That's why I've added 10 high-quality articles to this product that have all be written and edited by native English writers who specialize in this niche.
There are a number of great things you can do with these articles...
- Use these articles to create your very own ebooks, guides, and reports.
- Give them away to your users, subscribers and as bonuses.
- Use them for your own website or blog as content.
- Sell them to your users who are wanting such an article on this niche.
- Send them out as content to your subscribers who have joined your mailing lists.
- Use them for article marketing and submit them to all your favorite article sites.
Plus so much more!
Each article contains over 400+ words in length and they all come in TXT, DOC and OTD formats.
Module 10 – Unique Promotional Sales Video
VALUE: $250.00
A sales video on your sales page can make up to 90% more sales. That's why we've created a unique mesmerizing sales video to attract your visitors and convert more sales. This video has been created by a professional English US spokesperson and video designer. You will also get the audio in MP3 format. Plus... I'm also going to through in the orginal sales video transcript in PDF format for free.
With these videos, you can do whatever you're wanting to them. Here are some ideas...
- Add them to your sales page within your minisite.
- Upload them to YouTube or any other video-sharing site.
- Post them to social media such as Facebook and Twitter.
Take a look for yourself below...
Module 11 – 10 Unique Top Quality eCovers
VALUE: $350.00
We've created 10 unique ecovers related to this particular niche. These are ideal for anyone who's wanting to sell the main guide at places like Amazon for Kindle. Or they can be used as a new cover. As having a new cover can make the overall look of the product as if it was a unique new book. These ecovers can even be used for your client's next project or even be sold 'as is' as they all come with PLR.
If you're to hire someone to create these ecovers you could be spending quite a bit. Also, finding someone to do them to your liking's is another story altogether. All these ecovers come in either PSD, PNG and JPG formats. Meaning that you can use them as they are or edit them to your needs. Such as adding your name to the cover or change the images etc.

Module 12 – 10 Social Media Posters
VALUE: $125
We've made for you 10 social media posters that'll help you engage with your followers. Use these to upload to your website or blog, Facebook page or profile, Instagram wall or the many other social media sites out there. These will help you drive traffic to your business and will help you convert traffic into commissions.
You'll get all these social media posters in either PSD (so they can be edited to your needs), PNG and JPG (that are all ready-to-go and to be used as-is).

Module 13 – License Package
VALUE: Priceless
For everything you've seen above within all the modules, you'll get full private label rights license that goes with this package for yourself. Plus you'll get 3 more licenses such as Master Resell Rights, Resell Rights, and Personal Use. Either of these 3 bonus licenses can be given to your customers, it's your choice.

Total Overall Cost and Value: $2,680
Get Instant Access Today For This Unique Product Created and Designed Just For You
This is a secure 256-bit SSL encrypted payment
Some Top Ideas How You Can Use This
Package To Make Money...
- Edit the content within all the products to make them even more unique. Such things as changing the graphics, include your very own affiliate links within the guides or promote other products you have. Or even change the title to a completely new one.
- Sell the ebook and the package content individually across digital download sites such as Tradebit or PayLoadz. You can even create a Kindle ebook and sell it to the millions on Amazon as your very own.
- Put them on a CD or DVD and sell them on Ebay as a physical product as Ebay has millions of users looking for knowledge-based products like this.
- Re-purpose the content in any way you like, such as create them into one complete ebook or you can even break them down and re-purpose them as articles or complete new short reports.
- Add them as your bonuses for a product you have or affiliating. Adding high-quality bonuses is a great way to make more sales.
- Use them as a training course. Re-brand them and make them your own. E-courses are a hot niche online as there are always people wanting to learn more about this subject.
- Use them as offline home study courses or seminars as a DVD. People find these are great real-life material, as it can be held and makes more value.
- Use them as online training as online seminars or webinars, charging people entry or get people to opt-in to get them. A get way to build your mailing lists.
- Start building your mailing lists by giving these products or parts of them as free gifts.
- Sell the licenses that are within the products adding more value to the product. Sell the product with MRR, RR or with just read-only using the personal use license.
- Or just use them as your very own personal use as the knowledge found within is priceless.
Don’t Just Take Our Word For It... See What Other’s
Are Saying
Learn what other users are saying about the our products
A Hot Topic In Demand
You can't deny the fact that hot topic products sell.
That's why we have spent huge amounts of time and money in creating this product, so you can profit from it.
No more spending months in creating your own product, as now you can profit from a topic in demand that has been done-for-you from start to finish.
Unique Bonuses For Fast Action Takers
Unique PLR Action Bonuses
When you act fast today by purchasing this PLR package you'll also get these unique found nowhere else action bonuses and resources...
Fast Action Bonus #1
VALUE: $200
PLR Mentor - 26 Part Training Video Course (3+ Hours)

PLR Mentor - Helping You Put The Pieces Together. If you've ever wondered on have to setup a PLR product correctly, then this course is ideal for you. This training course will guide you by the hand and you'll learn over my shoulder as I take you through the 'entire' process step-by-step with no stones left unturned. It not only gives you every detail on how to set this product up, but you'll also learn throughout the course helpful tips and pointers that I've used over the years as a web developer (since 2003) and an internet marketer (since 2007).
Some Things You'll Learn...
- Setting Up a Domain Name
- Editing The Sales Page Graphics
- Creating a Hosting Account
- Using Photoshop Action Scripts
- Using an FTP Client
- How To Create a 3D Bundle Ecover
- Using a File Editor To Rebrand The Sales Page
- Rewriting The Ebook
- Changing and Adding a Sales Video
- How To Convert Your New Ebook Into a PDF
- Changing and Editing The Sales Page Logo
- How To Bundle Your Product
- Editing The Text In a Sales Page
- Adding an Autoresponder on an Opt-in Page
- Editing Links Within The Sales Page
- Using Microsoft Word to Create an Ebook
- Changing The Colors In The Sales Page
- Adding a New Background Header Image
- Customizing The Thank You Page
- Adding a Payment Button
- Uploading Webpages Back To Server
- Photoshop Overview
- Customizing The Ebook Cover
Members Private Learning Portal

- Learn as you go at your own pace.
- Save lessons for another time.
- Add to your favorites collection. A great way to know what you've liked.
- Check list to check off points you've completed.
- Courses completed are mark once done.
- Full technial support when needed.
Fast Action Bonus #2
VALUE: $27
PLR Honey

PLR Honey - Learn The Sweet Success From PLR. This is a comprehensive guide all about PLR. A great guide to compliment the main PLR product. Within this guide, you'll learn some way to cash in on private label rights. There are a lot of different ways to sell and harness the full potential of PLR. Knowing and learning how this is done will give you a head start in making an income online selling PLR products.
- What are Private Label Rights
- How to Make Money with PLR
- The Pros And Cons
- Cashing in With PLR Articles
- Cashing in With PLR Ebooks
- Cashing in With PLR Software
- Maximum Profits From PLR Products
- Plus much more
Fast Action Bonus #3
VALUE: $150
Lead Magnet Package

This is a unique lead magnets package all about the same particular niche. This is perfect to give away to build your list. Not only this you can use the complete package above in a sales funnel to boost conversions. For example, entice your visitors by giving away the free report that comes with this lead magnet package then add the entire package above as a one time offer within the backend (also known as a sales funnel).
Take a Look at The Live Demo Opt-in Page Opens to a new page- Comes with a free 3,000+ word guide that's written by native English professionals, perfect to entice new subscribers.
- Can be integrated with your favorite autoresponder such as Aweber, GetResponse, MailChimp etc.
- 5-page minisite that contains the front end opt-in page, thank you page and 3 legal pages.
- And of course, all the source graphics that has been used to create this package.
Fast Action Bonus #4
VALUE: $17
Private Facebook PLR Group

This is a private members only Facebook group. I have many different Facebook groups on internet marketing (and other niches such as gaming) which I charge up to $17 to have access to some of them. Today I'm giving you free access to become a member of my newest Facebook group all about PLR. I'll be personally adding videos and posts weekly to help the members with anything PLR related. Also, inside the group, members will be able to share tips and tricks. Remember success drives success thus hearing positive stories can only drive you further to succeed.
“Sounds Too Good To Be True. So, How Much For This PLR Package?”
For a limited time, you can get everything for the low price of just… $7.00 “only” for the first 5 days of the launch of this product as it's an introductory offer. But having said that, it's a dime sale... so the price may vary. Meaning, the price goes up upon ever purchase made until it reaches $9.95. Then after the 5 days introductory offer the price will go up to $17.00 permanently. This is a one-time payment with no ongoing fees.
This is a very small investment either if you were to purchase this package for $17.00 as you'll be able to sell this and make your money back with only a few sales. Not only you'll learn so much from this product, but you'll be able to make money from it time and time again.
So without further ado, simply click the button below to get claim your copy of this PLR package and gain instant access today.
I'm Ready To Get Started Now!
This is the easy part... Simply click the payment button below to get instant access to this PLR package.
YES! I want Instant Access Right Now!

Get Instant Access To The Following...
- Module 1 - High Quality Ebook (VALUE: $550.00)
- Module 2 - Checklist (VALUE: $35.00)
- Module 3 - Resource Guide (VALUE: $15.00)
- Module 4 - Mind Map (VALUE: $55.00)
- Module 5 - Complete 5 Page Minisite (VALUE: $700.00)
- Module 6 – 5 High Converting Promo Email Swipes (VALUE: $100.00)
- Module 7 – Fully Professional Source Graphic Files (VALUE: $200.00)
- Module 8 – Awesome High-Quality Advertising Banners (VALUE: $200.00)
- Module 9 - 10 Unique High Quality PLR Articles (VALUE: $100.00)
- Module 10 – Unique Promotional Sales Videos (VALUE: $250.00)
- Module 11 – 10 Unique Top Quality eCovers (VALUE: $350.00)
- Module 12 – 10 Social Media Posters (VALUE: $125)
- Module 13 – License Package (VALUE: Priceless)
Your Fast Action Bonuses...
- Fast Action Bonus #1 - PLR Mentor - 26 Part Training Video Course ($200.00)
- Fast Action Bonus #2 - PLR Honey (Value: $27.00)
- Fast Action Bonus #3 - Lead Magnet Package (Value: $150.00)
- Fast Action Bonus #4 - Private Facebook PLR Group (Value: $17.00)
Total Real World Vaule: $3,074.00
Get Instant Access At $27.00
Due to the nature of PLR, there are no refunds; all sales are final.
Don't miss out on this great offer today.
To Your Online Success,
Daniel Taylor
Founder of PLR Lobby
PLR License Rights
Private Label Rights Terms and Conditions
- [YES] Can be sold
- [YES] Can be re-branded as your own
- [YES] Can be used for personal use
- [YES] Can be packaged with other products
- [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
- [YES] Can modify/change the graphics and ecovers
- [YES] Can add to a PAID membership site (PU Only)
- [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
- [YES] Can be given away free to build a list
- [YES] Can print/publish offline
- [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
- [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
- [YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
- [NO] Can be given away for free
- [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights
- [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
- [NO] Can be given away in PLR format
Our Frequently Asked Questions
What are PLR products?
PLR products are items with such licenses that allows you to have full rights to them. Such as adding your very own name to it, claiming ownership and becoming the author. Some PLR licenses may differ from each other so always check each products licenses.
What are MRR products?
MRR products are items like PLR but with usually fewer privileges. Such as a lot of MRR products can be sold, the license passed on to the buyer, but cannot claim ownership of it and most of the time has to be sold the way it came.
Is there a guarantee with this product?
No, Due to the nature of PLR, there are no refunds; all sales are final. Please read our T&C
Do you offer a service to install this full product?
Yes, we do. We offer a full service that gives you the opportunity to let us fully install this entire package on your server or on ours. We also rebrand this package suited to your needs. This will be offered as an OTO with discounted prices once this product has been purchased
What do PLR and MRR stand for?
PLR stands for Private Label Rights and MRR stands for Master Resell Rights. Both licenses have been given out by the author or the creator for any particular products upon purchase.
How much for all of this?
There is a 5-day introductory offer at the price of $7.00 for the complete package. This is also a dime sale which means the price is going up upon every purchase made. After the initial 5 days then the price goes up to the original price of $17.00 This is a one-time payment with no ongoing fees.
Why should I need this product today?
Firstly, this product is unique and is of high-quality on a hot-topic and in-demand niche. If you're wanting a brand new high-quality product to sell, then this is it. Not just this, but you'll also get full private label rights allowing you to rebrand it making it your very own, plus so much more.
Are there any ongoing fees?
Simply put... no! There are no ongoing fees as this is a one-time payment. Which you'll receive everything you see on this page. Everything to get you started in profiting from this PLR package.